Who we are and what we play
We are a group of muscians who meet to play traditional and contemporary folk music from around the world. The instruments we play include guitars, mandolins, bouzouki, fiddles, accordians, melodians, concertinas, recorders, flutes, whistles, bodhron and cello. We meet regularly to play (for dates see rehearsals page) and at garden parties and other events over the summer.
In 2019 we were delighted to be one of 7 groups to be selected by ‘Making Music’ to adopt a composer. We worked with the composer Jonathan Brigg to produce a new piece of music, Seafaring Folk, specially written for the orchestra. We performed our new piece for the first time in October 2021 and it was broadcast by Radio 3 in 2022. Adopt a Composer is run by Making Music in partnership with Sound and Music, funded by PRS Foundation and the Philip and Dorothy Green Music Trust.