We performed the world premiere of our adopted composer*, Jonathan Brigg’s piece ‘Seafaring Folk’ in October 2021. The venue was the fabulous, enormous Tithe Barn at Sullington Manor Farm, just below the South Downs Way, near Storrington in West Sussex. The weather was pleasant and we had a sell out audience. We were joined by the Duck Pond Sailors and our local historian Chris Hare. It was a very special occasion and the whole concert was dedicated to to the suicide prevention charity ‘Olly’s Future.’
The orchestra played some of our usual sea themed pieces, we had tales from Chris Hare’s Secret Shore book and sea songs from the Duck Pond Sailors. It made a varied and interesting surround for the world premiere of Seafaring Folk.
I think it is fair to say that everyone felt the experience was something completely different and very special. We enjoyed the whole process of developing the piece with Jonathan. He was able to listen to our style and adapt his composition and the final piece of music was challenging but not beyond our capabilities, and we thoroughly enjoyed rising to that challenge. It gave us a great focus over the trials and tribulations of the Covid years.
The final result is inspirational. It is a wonderful feeling to listen to Seafaring Folk and be glad to have been part of the whole experience. It is a very emotional suite of tunes, that touched both audience and players.

*Adopt a Composer is run by Making Music in partnership with Sound and Music, funded by PRS Foundation and the Philip and Dorothy Green Music Trust.